Humanities Now
Humanities Now is the official podcast of the Humanities Center at Texas Tech. We feature conversations with members of the humanities community at Texas Tech University. With every episode, these varied voices help us realize the Center’s mission: asking out loud, “What does it mean to be human?” and demonstrating how can we answer that question from so many different perspectives.
Humanities Now
How Can Art Support Anti-Racism?
On this episode, we think about the relationship between art, racism, and social justice as we continue to engage our year-long Anti-Racism theme. We speak with Dra. Leslie C. Sotomayor II, Visiting Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies at Texas Tech, about her work as a scholar, curator, and working artist, and how her various projects contribute to an anti-racist mission. Then we hear from Danielle Demetria East, founding Director of East Lubbock Art House, a vital center here in Lubbock for showcasing marginalized artists, supporting anti-racism, and building community.
Click here to read more about the Let's Pretend exhibition Dra. Sotomayor curated, and here to see her work featured in Visual Culture and Gender.
Click here to read more about East Lubbock Art House, including how to donate to this important institution.